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New Jersey Aliens, Champ, Mananaggal, Folklore, and Monsters With Dr. Emily Zarka

PBS Monstrum Logo

Howdy Misfits we have an incredible episode for you this week! This week we're joined by the amazing Monster expert Dr. Emily Zarka from PBS Monstrum! Dr. Z is the writer and host of PBS Monstrum, an online series with PBS's Storied channel on YouTube that looks at complex histories and motivations behind some of the world's most famous monsters. She also wrote and hosted a one-hour documentary for PBS called Exhumed: A History of Zombies. If you want to follow along with Dr. Z and see what she's up to check out her website and follow her on Twitter.


In this episode, we found out what Dr. Z's favorite Crpytid, Monster, and mythological creature are. She also gave us some wonderful insight into the origins of monsters and different creatures from Folklore! Also turns out Steve and Dr. Z both saw a Jackalope growing up. You're going to need to check out the episode to learn more!

Steve rings in the episode with a quick story about the McGuire Air-force Base space alien. Someone got a little excited and may or may not have shot it to death. Emmy closes out the episode with a monster that Dr. Z brought to our attention, the Mananaggal.

You can listen to this awesome episode of Misfits and Mysteries on our website, Apple Podcast, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform! Stay Spooky Misfits!

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